Tuesday, November 27, 2007

another discipline act?

masa : 10.50 am
situasi : cuaca sendu je pagi ni...?
iTunes : [they're so in right now,why must we give it a miss? check them out at http://myspace.com/kugiranhujan or listen to them here - this is among the hassle-free, almost complete playlist, thanx tuan tanah! =)]

okay, where are we...

in the past few weeks we've seen protests, be it good or bad motivated [well, one is quite nasty it really wonders me of the present social conduct and etiquette. it terrifies me to be in the public last weekend, really!]. but, i hope it doesn't get any worser or, Allah SWT forbids - the government might need to call it an emergency. picture us in the recent Pakistan? i dare not!

in another situation, this is an interesting bit from the Utusan Malaysia portal today :-

Pelajar dipenjara enam bulan jika ceroboh sekolah

KAJANG 26 Nov. – Kementerian Pelajaran akan mewujudkan peraturan disiplin baru yang lebih ketat termasuk hukuman penjara maksimum enam bulan terhadap pelajar yang sudah dibuang atau digantung sekolah, menceroboh kawasan sekolah.

Menterinya, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein berkata, hukuman itu terkandung dalam draf Peraturan-Peraturan Pendidikan (Disiplin Murid) 2007 yang dibincangkan dalam seminar peringkat kebangsaan bagi menggubal peraturan berkenaan yang sedang berlangsung.

‘‘Kita akan menggunakan peraturan baru ini kerana garis panduan yang diguna pakai di sekolah seluruh negara tidak lagi sesuai kerana ia digubal 48 tahun lalu.

‘‘Wujud perkembangan baru termasuk penularan budaya gengster, kongsi gelap serta kes saman oleh ibu bapa yang menjatuhkan moral guru-guru sehingga menyebabkan mereka tawar hati dan tidak mahu ambil peduli lagi akan kelakuan pelajar di sekolah,’’ katanya. [this is really seriously happening, and my school is in no exception]

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan seminar tersebut di sebuah hotel di sini, hari ini.

Seminar bagi mendapatkan maklum balas untuk menggubal garis panduan menggantikan Peraturan-Peraturan Pelajaran (Disiplin Sekolah) 1959 turut dihadiri pemimpin parti pembangkang dan kesatuan-kesatuan guru.

Peraturan tersebut akan dilaksanakan dalam masa terdekat jika ia diluluskan oleh peserta seminar itu.

Hishammuddin berkata, cadangan lain dalam draf berkenaan ialah memberikan kuasa lebih jelas kepada pihak sekolah untuk menghukum pelajar memandangkan bimbingan dan nasihat semata-mata tidak mencukupi.

‘‘Hukuman yang boleh dikenakan termasuk kelas tahanan, pelajar diwajibkan menjalani aktiviti bersifat pendidikan, dilarang mengguna kemudahan sekolah dan dirotan bagi pelajar lelaki." [cheh...my school's students were soooo immune with the rotan. can we use kayu api or getah paip instead? huhu ok i'm exaggerating that bit]

‘‘Ibu bapa juga akan diarah membayar pampasan jika anak-anak mereka terlibat merosakkan harta sekolah atau mencederakan pelajar lain,’’ jelasnya. [this one, ermmm i don't think will work lah Datuk Seri. some will be excused oh, because they were anak someone-someone, yes the father was someone's bodyguard got cable with the big guns, and don't forget - pity the principle's/discipline teacher's/teacher's car will get scratched and even attempted for massive explosion. that happens Datuk Seri, really you don't know ahh?]

Kata beliau, pihaknya akan memastikan peraturan berkenaan tidak bercanggah dengan undang-undang sedia ada iaitu Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001, Akta Perubatan 1971, Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan Akta Racun 1952. [Akta Racun? afraid of suicide attempts ke? or using poison for effective discipline control - gile kejamlah huhu!]

whatever the Ministry and the Minister suggests, i must say it goes to the root of the community. we, the Malaysians are so nurtured with the TAK APA syndrome, we've had lots and lots of rules and acts already. what happened to them? we even had the Rukun Negara for instance. why it didn't instill the importance to people to live within rules plus to obey to the society's norm?

what's in the Rukun Negara?

  1. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan [Belief in God]
  2. Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara [Loyalty to King and Country]
  3. Keluhuran Perlembagaan [Upholding the Constitution]
  4. Kedaulatan Undang-undang [Sovereignty of the Law, and]
  5. Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan [Good Behaviour and Morality]
source : http://www.gov.my/MyGov/BI/Directory/Citizen/Home.htm

every Monday morning assembly, i am so ashamed to see students laughing and joking around during the Rukun Negara recital. even singing Negaraku is somewhat not in a dutiful manner anymore.

they're born Malaysian, but never acted like one. they see themselves as the next Rajnikanth, or Rain [nama saya Rain, dan saya sangat Vain]... perhaps wanting to be Mawi. and shuffling is in their veins [so outdated lah you people, that was called running-man and in 1992 we already representing our school doing that for the national indepence celebration. now it's called 'shuffle' eh? wahhhh modennya!! duh~~].

or if it's my school you're talking about, the Kadet Remaja Sekolah was the elite group. they can practise their kawad up to midnight to win but misses school the next day because - "penatlah cikgu".

they don't bother if it's for education that they were coming to school. they came to meet up with friends, play basketball together, and most importantly they will get duit belanja. no school, no money. so they ended up hassling to do part-time jobs for extra RM's. bye-bye to school...they've lots of money what? [yeah right]. a thought so shallow~~that and still i've to chase for boys not wanting to pay their school fees. money is for handphone and hairwax - yes, hairwax. not revision books. nor tuition classes.

in my honest opinion, showbiz is not the epidemic. it's a trend. it comes and it goes. but education is still the key to success. it's the hard work that counts. shuffle all you want, but don't overdo the act. you have lots of girl admirers. imagine this situation :-

she : awak, SPM awak dapat berapa A?
you : ermmmm...uhhhh... [eh, shuffle laa lagi. tak pun kawad keliling padang lagi. awak kan macho, peduli apa SPM dapat A ke tak pun ye takk??]

what happens next - she'll eventually goes to university, and you kawad sampai mati.

heh, now who's asking why we have lambakan pelajar wanita di universiti? i figured out why ~